
Out of stock

Brand:  Red Lantern (RL1022)
Unit Size: 8.62″ x 6.25″ x 28.42″
Unit Weight:  16.01 lbs.
Case Size:
Case Weight:
Case Packing: 4/4/6
Description:  24 shots – Reloadable / Canister Shells – A. brocade crown Ti-gold coconut, brocade crown blue|red dahlia, brocade crown red strobe, Ti-gold coconut purple|green dahlia, Ti-gold coconut gold chrysanthemum, Ti-gold coconut gold strobe B. purple|green & red|plum flower, red coconut chrysanthemum, green coconut purple dahlia, silver coconut blue dahlia, lemon|green pearls silver chrysanthemum, orange|green dahlia C. white strobe red dahlia, red strobe green dahlia, green strobe purple dahlia, gold strobe blue dahlia, red|green|white|gold strobe, red strobe willow & white strobe willow D. silver chrysanthemum, lemon|red pearls with gold chrysanthemum, colorful time rain willow, silver|gold chrysanthemum, crackling willow red strobe willow, spider with red strobe
